This is

My photo
Unaizah ..~, Al-Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia
It's just an answer to why I am right there . . .

Monday, July 8, 2019

4 Years Update!


I'm going to be writing for a month or so if I want to tell you all in detail what has been going on in life for the last 5 years! lol

Here are the points that I consider worth mentioning:

- Father passing away in May 2015 after a long battle against a disease ( May Allah grant his soul the peace & blessings of paradise ).

- Graduation! Acquiring my first bachelor degree in science of engineering in May 2016.

Just in case you're wondering what that "Madidi" means, it's my way of saying the word "Mosque" in Arabic which is "Masjid" back when I was 4-7 years old :D 
Yes, I look insanely terrible in that pic! xD
You see that white grayish spot right beside the upper button? 
That's a drop of milk that had spilled haphazardly because my father was waiting out for me to get in the car and go capture a 4x3 photograph for my primary school registration! :D 

- Diagnosed with diabetes in May 2017 with an A1c of 10.6% at the age of 26 years!

- What the heck was going right there?!

- I'd really gotten anesthetized at the diabetes news for a month or two! I couldn't stop thinking about how my life was going to be! Why I'd developed diabetes? I had been working out almost every day since high school! I had gotten my abs popping! That, that cannot just be right! 

- I had managed to construct a self-learning schedule that consisted of at least 2 hours\day spent purely on nutrition lectures, as I had kept ditching job offers. I didn't want money, I wanted health! 

- I'd quit engineering from that moment to this day, I've been playing nutrition ever since! 

I've made Mom & the entire family get rid of their health problems.
I'm so grateful for the amount of knowledge I've gone through.
Nothing is more important than your well-being!

The whole world has been tricked into degeneration!
They want you to be sick and dependent! 
Your body needs your help! 

If you're suffering from:
1 - Diabetes.
2 - Cancer.
3 - Obesity.
4 - Hypertension (high blood pressure).
5 - Hypothyroidism.
6 - Arthritis.
7 - Seizures.

Then, we need to talk!
Please, and this is the first, most likely the last time I'm saying "please" on this blog.
Leave a comment down below or hit me up on Twitter @KetoedSaudi
It's your health! You deserve to know! 

 - - -

إذا كنت تعاني من:
1 - مرض السكري.
2 - سرطان.
3 - سمنة.
4 - ارتفاع/انخفاض الضغط.
5 - كسل/فرط الغدة.
6 - آلام المفاصل.
7 - نوبات الصرع. 

أرجوك! عطني رسالة أو رد هنا، أو تابعني بتويتر على الحساب @KetoedSaudi


Monday, February 8, 2016


وتكتمل تلك السنة! 
وأي سنة!

سنة الفراق، سنة الوداع، سنة الألم.
سنة، أيقنت من خلالها يقينًا ليس بعده يقين، بأن هذه الدنيا بخساء!

’’أتعبتك يا وليدي’’
عقودُ من التعب والشقاء، لإخوته أولًا!
وثانيًا لأبنائه العشرة، ثم ليتيمتي أخيه.

وفي لحظات كثيرة غزيرة،
ترضخ أذناي لسماع هاتين الكلمتين!
بعد أوقات أرد فيها شيئًا زهيدًا من جميله وفضله.

’’وداعت الله، بحفظ الله، الله يحفظك يا وليدي’’
وأنا جالسُُ بجوارِه في ثنايا الليل، متأملًا ومتلذذًا بنعمةٍ من نعم الله عليٌ،
يحين موعد نومه فينهض، وفي طريق الخروج عند الباب،
يقف! يلتفت!
لترضخ أذناي هذه المرة لصوته الشفيق العطوف،
مرددًا " وداعت الله يا وليدي، تصبح على خير".

أنِّي تلذذتُ بساعاتٍ قضيتها إلى جوارِهِ صامتًا، أضعافَ أضعافَ ما تلذذتُ بهِ ضاحكًا مع صحبي لسنوات!

أبصرتُ الإفتراق برحيل أبي.
وعرفت الشوق من رحيل أبي.

اللهم ربي،
ما من شيئٍ مطابق لسنة رسولك صل الله عليه وسلم، علِمه أبي إلا وأمرنا به،
وما من شيئٍ مخالف لسنته صلى الله عليه وسلم، علِمه أبي إلا وحذَّرنا منه،

اللهم واجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة،
اللهم آنس وحشته وأنر ظلمته ووسع ضيقه مدَّ بصره،
اللهم وافتح له أبواب الجنة كلها،
اللهم أسكنه الفردوس الأعلى على ما قدمه لأهله وأبناءه يارب يا كريم.

أبي، ومن مثل أبي؟!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A 3 Year Old Story of Me

I'd had almost everything a twenty-two year old guy wants in this life. A decent car, secure funds, a great major at university, an incredibly amazing family, great friends and I literally couldn't have had better.
But the thing was, 
     the more I had, the more steps I took backwards in the way leading to Allah!
                                          The more steps I took backwards in the way leading to the happiness!

My father has showed me a couple of times where and how to taste that happiness. For that reason, faint and temporal kinds of happiness " which I don't call happiness " are no more interesting to find.

I couldn't stop thinking of what humans would do if the more they give, the more they get treated bad!. Allah keeps giving us things that others don't have and in return for that, we tend to abuse the trust he has ordered.

   It'd at first started with a ton of self-dissatisfaction.
      Turned to backing away from everyone I know but my family.
Raising my hands, Allah, I need to stop!
Help me to stop.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِي ظُلْمًا كَثِيرًا، وَلَا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ. فَاغْفِرْ لِي مَغْفِرَةً مِنْ عِنْدِكَ، وَارْحَمْنِي إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ.

اللهم أرني ومن أحببت الحق حقًا، وارزقني وإياهم اتباعه. وأرنا الباطل باطلًا، وارزقنا اجتنابه يارب العالمين.
سبحانك ربي ما أرحمك! سبحانك ربي ما ألطفك.

الحمد لله .. ♥