This is

My photo
Unaizah ..~, Al-Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia
It's just an answer to why I am right there . . .

Monday, February 8, 2016


وتكتمل تلك السنة! 
وأي سنة!

سنة الفراق، سنة الوداع، سنة الألم.
سنة، أيقنت من خلالها يقينًا ليس بعده يقين، بأن هذه الدنيا بخساء!

’’أتعبتك يا وليدي’’
عقودُ من التعب والشقاء، لإخوته أولًا!
وثانيًا لأبنائه العشرة، ثم ليتيمتي أخيه.

وفي لحظات كثيرة غزيرة،
ترضخ أذناي لسماع هاتين الكلمتين!
بعد أوقات أرد فيها شيئًا زهيدًا من جميله وفضله.

’’وداعت الله، بحفظ الله، الله يحفظك يا وليدي’’
وأنا جالسُُ بجوارِه في ثنايا الليل، متأملًا ومتلذذًا بنعمةٍ من نعم الله عليٌ،
يحين موعد نومه فينهض، وفي طريق الخروج عند الباب،
يقف! يلتفت!
لترضخ أذناي هذه المرة لصوته الشفيق العطوف،
مرددًا " وداعت الله يا وليدي، تصبح على خير".

أنِّي تلذذتُ بساعاتٍ قضيتها إلى جوارِهِ صامتًا، أضعافَ أضعافَ ما تلذذتُ بهِ ضاحكًا مع صحبي لسنوات!

أبصرتُ الإفتراق برحيل أبي.
وعرفت الشوق من رحيل أبي.

اللهم ربي،
ما من شيئٍ مطابق لسنة رسولك صل الله عليه وسلم، علِمه أبي إلا وأمرنا به،
وما من شيئٍ مخالف لسنته صلى الله عليه وسلم، علِمه أبي إلا وحذَّرنا منه،

اللهم واجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة،
اللهم آنس وحشته وأنر ظلمته ووسع ضيقه مدَّ بصره،
اللهم وافتح له أبواب الجنة كلها،
اللهم أسكنه الفردوس الأعلى على ما قدمه لأهله وأبناءه يارب يا كريم.

أبي، ومن مثل أبي؟!


  1. i don't understand... but i like the picture :P

  2. I know It's a little odd to say this, but I'm kind of glad you didn't understand. It's just something sad that I don't want to get into anymore.
    Sis, you've always been very supportive of me, and I literally can't thank you enough! Thank you so much!
    I wish there'd be a bit of a way to tell you how MUCH I'm very grateful to you for the support I've been receiving for years!

    1. Oh wow! you answered! I thought you wouldn't... it's been so long since last time I heard anything about you! I am sorry to know what you wrote is a sad thing, I guess you were going through a hard time, I hope things are better for you now, in sha Allah.
      I am glad you see me that way :D that's really sweet from you ya Ahmad :D and you're very welcome, it has been a real pleasure all the way. The best way to thank me is: keep on writing, drawings letters and taking pictures, you rock in it. Also look at this it's a new account of mine with some drawings and pictures, I hope you may like them.

  3. It just goes without saying sis, that the link right above is filled up with an enticingly one-of-a-kind charm! I'm not forgetting how very special and peculiar your words are going to be every time you write MashAllah!

    "Oh wow! you answered!" Such a total jerk you want to say Majod, don't you agree? xD, you're one of the very last people I want to upset, PLEASE don't your splendidly lovely heart mind me being out of sight. I'll try so hard to get back to what I'd been doing a while ago. I'll try and that's a promise.

    I'm sort of academically drowning in lots of things at the moment, been a student, now trying to fit into a settled job environment, and it's just making things around a little busy.

    Loved you commenting, loved your comment.
    You always be safe.

    1. You liked the my pictures and drawings then!? :D that's just great! Thank you so much, you're way too nice to me, thanks a lot! “Special” and “peculiar” thanks again for all your kindness towards me, I believe I'm mostly crazy lately due to some events in my life, so it feels really good to read someone telling sufh things which makes me thing I'm not as bad as some people seem to see me... at the end of the day I'm good depending from the perspective and that's quiet motivating, jazak Allah khair! :)

      No, no, no, hahahahaha I didn't meant to say you're that at all! I was just sincerely surprised I thought you wouldn't even get to read my comment or answer or anything, I mean I thought you were out of the internet map already, so it was like "oh hey! He's alive" hahahaha. Don't worry about me, it's seriously hard to get me mad, meaning if you get it it'd mean you seriously did something. But it's a very sweet promise of yours! I seriously love your handwriting as you know and your pictures and when you write stuff they're always with so much feelings, it's truly enjoyable to read it, I really like your art so I'm happy to know you'll be coming around more often if possible in sha Allah.

      Oh yes, I totally get you! I have been there myself few years ago, I'm in some kind of long vacation at the moment, but I'll be back on the track soon in sha Allah, still I hope not to disappear!

      Thank you very much one more time for your kindness! :D
      May Allah, subhana wa taala, protect you always. Amin ^_^

    2. Oh my dear God! You've commented on my drawings and I just saw this now! Thank you so much! That's just... wow!!! Hahahaa thank you, thank you, thank you! ^_^ I'll read them all right now and answer you there as well :D by the way February is just starting, may Allah bring it to you with a lot of blessings and happiness :3

  4. I'm so GLAAD to know that you're on a vacation, because that means you're just relaxing and having a good time xD. We've all got to go through those stiff circumstances in our lives Majod, and the perfect response to them should be the one that makes us healthier, stronger and more influential to what's coming next.

    This life is literally nothing compared to what Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) has made us in Jannah. Of course, we should always be on the lookout for the best choices, but if we don't get to choose "which happens a lot" and someone else does instead, we should NEVER live to regret it, NEVER! As long as we're muslims and doing what Allah wants us to do, nothing else really matters, not an illness, not a pain, not the biggest rejection in our lives.

    'Majod Thanks Ahmad'--> That's ridiculously the dumbest sentence :D.
    'Ahmad Thanks Majod'--> That's courteously the truest sentence I've even ever seen :D.

    Seriously Majod, that art! Thank you like a million times for sharing it with me.

  5. Well, I'll be back to my studies next week hahahaahaha alhamdulillah kol haga. Right :)

    May Allah subhana wa taala let us enter in Jannah! :D sa7! it's all about what Allah want us to do at the end:)

    Of course not! Saying thanks is never dumb, the one who doesn't thank people, doesn't thnk Allah :P
    Hahahaha thanks again!!! :D

    Awwwww you're very welcome! :D
